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Nimstech -Segregation Cart

Nimstech - Segregating Cart

       Urban civilization & fast growing cities are forcing to construct high-rise residential and

commercial buildings. In this up gradation, the garbage collection, handling and disposal from

every floor has become tedious task.

      Envcure chutes are very simple, convenient, utmost hygiene and low cost method of

controlling and disposing of garbage in multi storey buildings. Envcure chutes meet the most

stringent requirements of Environment health and safety.


 Advantages of Garbage Chutes

  • Single point collection of entire building garbage
  • Easy and hygiene process for garbage disposal
  • No-Touch trash handling
  • Separate collection of “Dry” & “Wet” garbage possible
  • Reduces manpower & energy consumption
  • Improves cleanliness of building and hygiene of occupants
  • Convenient for garbage removal timing


Garbage Chutes can be installed at

  • Residential & commercial buildings, malls, hospitals, hotels etc.
  • Common lobbies, utility ducts, landings, staircase mid-landings, balconies and kitchens
  • Intake door shall be at every floor level (at alternate floor level in mid-landing design)


Key Features of Envcure Chutes

  • Chutes fully factory assembled, with all joints except those required to separate for shipment being welded
  • Sanitation system for internal cleaning of chutes
  • Disinfectants can be sprayed
  • Auto closing Intake Hopper
  • Intake doors are 90 min fire rated
  • Discharge end fire door
  • Exhaust system which changing the air approximately 20-40 times/hr.
  • Available in different sizes

    Choice of Material

                Envcure strongly recommended the use of Stainless Steel for the manufacture of garbage chutes.

                Stainless Steel is highly resistant to the humidity, acid and alkalis contained within garbage.(SS 430 / SS 304 
  •   Galvanized steel & mild steel does not have the same protective characteristics of stainless
  • steel, yet, it is used extensively for chutes.

  •   Fibre and Plastic chutes are not allowed considering fire hazard, as per BS/NFPA codes.


  • Air Exhaust Fan installed at the top of the chutes, usually above roof level to remove foul smell and maintain a smooth flow of fresh air within the chute.
  • Vents are made the same diameter or reducing diameter of chute and extend 4 feet above roof of the building.
  • Normally changing the air approximately 20-40 times/hr.
  • The screen keeps out any insects or birds attracted to the vent pipe.



  • Total chute weight is divided on each floor
  • MS galvanised structure frame provided on every floor to support chute.


  • Chute shall directly discharge into trolley or compactor.
  • Diversion shall not be allowed (In peculiar case max. 150 diversion with vertical is allowed)
  • Following are the standard discharge ends widely used in chute system


  1. Simple type discharge 
  • Garbage chute is directly connected to collection trolley
  • Conical hopper type discharge end to avoid spoiling of garbage
  • Most suitable when discharge door is not required


       2. Manual type discharge door

  • Manually operated discharge door is placed at the end of the garbage chute.
  • Shuts and cuts off chute for cleaning, removal of containers or maintenance of chute system.


        3. “C” type discharge door 

  • This type is widely used in garbage & linen chutes
  • It has a horizontal rolling door held by 790C fusible link at top of the slop.
  • In case of excessive heat in garbage room, the link getsfused and fire door closes the upward path of chute.
  • This “C” type fire shutter door also has a manual closing facility and can be used in certain
  •  location as both a fire shutter-door and a manual cut off door.


4.“D” type discharge door

  • Designed for use where it is not possible to fit a standard fire shutter door.
  • The top hung door gives the same fire protection, but without the same degree of operation safety.
  • Top hinged counter balanced door pulling against a fusible link. In case of excessive heat the door drops shut and is held closed by two retaining catches.
  • Suitable for use with above 600mm sized linen chutes.



  • Cleaning of the chute from inside is very important process to maintain hygiene.
  • Mainly three types of cleaning systems are available;


  1. Manual cleaning system 
  • PVC piping is used along the length of the chute which is connected to the main water tank of the building.
  • Water nozzle is provided on the each floor along with shut-off valve.
  • Sequentially handy sprayer tool is connected to water nozzle and used for deep cleaning of the chute, throat and intake door at each floor.

2. Sprinkler cleaning system

  • Solid cone profile discharge sprinklers located in all floors (or alternate floor) behind the door opening for cleaning issues.     
  • Different sprinkler at every floor keeping discharge constant irrespective of changing inlet 
  • pressure as per building height.
  • Two minutes of cleaning cycle every day.

3. Brush cleaning system

  • Designed to clean the total vertical height of the internal surface chute.
  • Pre-assembled system operated from top by control panel.
  • A stiff nylon brush which scrubs internal surface is automatically lowered and raised by electric motor.
  • Water sprayed by sprinkler from top during the cleaning operation.



  • Disinfectants are added in normal water line by motorized pump during cleaning cycle.
  • This unit is installed at roof level which is operated and controlled by electrically control panel.
  • A disinfectant or sanitizing unit overcomes the problem associated with the use of chutesstrong odours.



  • Glass bulb sprinklers installed for fire detection inside the chute in each floor (or alternate floor)
  • ?" IPS female threading fire sprinkler opens at 680C to extinguish fire.
  • Intake door are 90 min fire rated and no passage for flame exhaust.
  • In case of fire in garbage room discharge door cut off fire path at 790C.
  • Front wall shall be constructed after the erection of chute.
  • Provide single phase power connection at top most level & garbage room, water connection
  • with isolation valve, and 1” wet riser from fire protection system.
  • Chute duct is optional for already constructed buildings.   
  • AS per Municipal norms “Dry” (recyclable) & “Wet” (biodegradable) garbage is segregated and collected in separate collection bins.
  • We provide segregation and collection of garbage using single chute.
  • More than one user cannot use garbage system at a time.
  • Fully automatic system; user friendly, intake door properly closed warning, close all intake door while maintenance/cleaning, LED panel, self-test mode, easily troubleshoot etc.
  • “Y” type discharge system
  • Specially designed for separate wet and dry garbage collection.
  • Diverter link is set at the discharge end of the garbage chute.
  • Mechanically operated rotating arm diverts the dry garbage and collected in separate bin.
  •  Key Features
  • A step toward Eco-friendly buildings
  • Eliminate multiple chute installation
  • Nurturing civic sense of society
  • Single point collection of segregated garbage


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